Bible Language

Proverbs 11:1 (LXXRP) Septugine Greek Old Testament with Grammar and Strong Code

1 ζυγοι G2218 N-NPN δολιοι G1386 A-NPM βδελυγμα G946 N-NSN ενωπιον G1799 ADV κυριου G2962 N-GSM σταθμιον N-NSN δε G1161 PRT δικαιον G1342 A-NSM δεκτον G1184 A-NSM αυτω G846 D-DSM
2 ου G3739 R-GSM εαν G1437 CONJ εισελθη G1525 V-AAS-3S υβρις G5196 N-NSF εκει G1563 ADV και G2532 ADV ατιμια G819 N-NSF στομα G4750 N-NSN δε G1161 PRT ταπεινων G5011 A-GPM μελετα G3191 V-PAI-3S σοφιαν G4678 N-ASF
3 αποθανων G599 V-AAPNS δικαιος G1342 A-NSM ελιπεν G3007 V-AAI-3S μεταμελον N-ASM προχειρος A-NSM δε G1161 PRT γινεται G1096 V-PMI-3S και G2532 CONJ επιχαρτος A-NSM ασεβων G765 A-GPM απωλεια G684 N-NSF
5 δικαιοσυνη G1343 N-NSF αμωμους G299 A-APM ορθοτομει G3718 V-PAI-3S οδους G3598 N-APF ασεβεια G763 N-NSF δε G1161 PRT περιπιπτει G4045 V-PAI-3S αδικια G93 N-DSF
6 δικαιοσυνη G1343 N-NSF ανδρων G435 N-GPM ορθων G3717 A-GPM ρυεται V-PMI-3S αυτους G846 D-APM τη G3588 T-DSF δε G1161 PRT απωλεια G684 N-DSF αυτων G846 D-GPM αλισκονται V-PPI-3P παρανομοι A-NPM
7 τελευτησαντος G5053 V-AAPGS ανδρος G435 N-GSM δικαιου G1342 A-GSM ουκ G3364 ADV ολλυται V-PMI-3S ελπις G1680 N-NSF το G3588 T-NSN δε G1161 PRT καυχημα G2745 N-NSN των G3588 T-GPM ασεβων G765 A-GPM ολλυται V-PMI-3S
8 δικαιος G1342 A-NSM εκ G1537 PREP θηρας G2339 N-GSF εκδυνει V-PAI-3S αντ G473 PREP αυτου G846 D-GSM δε G1161 PRT παραδιδοται G3860 V-PMI-3S ο G3588 T-NSM ασεβης G765 A-NSM
9 εν G1722 PREP στοματι G4750 N-DSN ασεβων G765 A-GPM παγις G3803 N-NSF πολιταις G4177 N-DPM αισθησις G144 N-NSF δε G1161 PRT δικαιων G1342 A-GPM ευοδος A-NSF
10 εν G1722 PREP αγαθοις G18 A-DPM δικαιων G1342 A-GPM κατωρθωσεν V-AAI-3S πολις G4172 N-NSF
11 στομασιν G4750 N-DPN δε G1161 PRT ασεβων G765 A-GPM κατεσκαφη G2679 V-API-3S
12 μυκτηριζει G3456 V-PAI-3S πολιτας G4177 N-APM ενδεης G1729 A-NSM φρενων G5424 N-GPF ανηρ G435 N-NSM δε G1161 PRT φρονιμος G5429 A-NSM ησυχιαν G2271 N-ASF αγει G71 V-PAI-3S
13 ανηρ G435 N-NSM διγλωσσος A-NSM αποκαλυπτει G601 V-PAI-3S βουλας G1012 N-APF εν G1722 PREP συνεδριω G4892 N-DSN πιστος G4103 A-NSM δε G1161 PRT πνοη G4157 N-DSF κρυπτει G2928 V-PAI-3S πραγματα G4229 N-APN
14 οις G3739 R-DPM μη G3165 ADV υπαρχει G5225 V-PAI-3S κυβερνησις G2941 N-NSF πιπτουσιν G4098 V-PAI-3P ωσπερ G3746 ADV φυλλα G5444 N-NPN σωτηρια G4991 N-NSF δε G1161 PRT υπαρχει G5225 V-PAI-3S εν G1722 PREP πολλη G4183 A-DSF βουλη G1012 N-DSF
15 πονηρος G4190 A-NSM κακοποιει G2554 V-PAI-3S οταν G3752 ADV συμμειξη V-AAS-3S δικαιω G1342 A-DSM μισει G3404 V-PAI-3S δε G1161 PRT ηχον G2279 N-ASM ασφαλειας G803 N-GSF
16 γυνη G1135 N-NSF ευχαριστος G2170 A-NSF εγειρει G1453 V-PAI-3S ανδρι G435 N-DSM δοξαν G1391 N-ASF θρονος G2362 N-NSM δε G1161 PRT ατιμιας G819 N-GSF γυνη G1135 N-NSF μισουσα G3404 V-PAPNS δικαια G1342 A-APN πλουτου G4149 N-GSM οκνηροι G3636 A-NPM ενδεεις G1729 A-NPM γινονται G1096 V-PMI-3P οι G3588 T-NPM δε G1161 PRT ανδρειοι A-NPM ερειδονται G2043 V-PPI-3P πλουτω G4149 N-DSM
17 τη G3588 T-DSF ψυχη G5590 N-DSF αυτου G846 D-GSM αγαθον G18 A-ASM ποιει G4160 V-PAI-3S ανηρ G435 N-NSM ελεημων G1655 A-NSM εξολλυει V-PAI-3S δε G1161 PRT αυτου G846 D-GSM σωμα G4983 N-ASN ο G3588 T-NSM ανελεημων G415 A-NSM
18 ασεβης G765 A-NSM ποιει G4160 V-PAI-3S εργα G2041 N-APN αδικα G94 A-APN σπερμα G4690 N-NSN δε G1161 PRT δικαιων G1342 A-GPM μισθος G3408 N-NSM αληθειας G225 N-GSF
19 υιος G5207 N-NSM δικαιος G1342 A-NSM γενναται G1080 V-PMI-3S εις G1519 PREP ζωην G2222 N-ASF διωγμος G1375 N-NSM δε G1161 PRT ασεβους G765 A-GSM εις G1519 PREP θανατον G2288 N-ASM
20 βδελυγμα G946 N-NSN κυριω G2962 N-DSM διεστραμμεναι G1294 V-RMPNP οδοι G3598 N-NPF προσδεκτοι A-NPM δε G1161 PRT αυτω G846 D-DSM παντες G3956 A-NPM αμωμοι G299 A-NPM εν G1722 PREP ταις G3588 T-DPF οδοις G3598 N-DPF αυτων G846 D-GPM
21 χειρι G5495 N-DSF χειρας G5495 N-APF εμβαλων G1685 V-AAPNS αδικως G94 ADV ουκ G3364 ADV ατιμωρητος A-NSM εσται G1510 V-FMI-3S ο G3588 T-NSM δε G1161 PRT σπειρων G4687 V-PAPNS δικαιοσυνην G1343 N-ASF λημψεται G2983 V-FMI-3S μισθον G3408 N-ASM πιστον G4103 A-ASM
22 ωσπερ G3746 ADV ενωτιον N-ASN εν G1722 PREP ρινι N-DSF υος G5300 N-GSM ουτως G3778 ADV γυναικι G1135 N-DSF κακοφρονι A-DSM καλλος N-ASN
23 επιθυμια G1939 N-NSF δικαιων G1342 A-GPM πασα G3956 A-NSF αγαθη G18 A-NSF ελπις G1680 N-NSF δε G1161 PRT ασεβων G765 A-GPM απολειται V-FMI-3S
24 εισιν G1510 V-PAI-3P οι G3739 R-NPM τα G3588 T-APN ιδια G2398 A-APN σπειροντες G4687 V-PAPNP πλειονα G4183 A-ASM ποιουσιν G4160 V-PAI-3P εισιν G1510 V-PAI-3P και G2532 CONJ οι G3739 R-NPM συναγοντες G4863 V-PAPNP ελαττονουνται G1641 V-PMI-3P
25 ψυχη G5590 N-NSF ευλογουμενη G2127 V-PMPNS πασα G3956 A-NSF απλη G573 A-NSF ανηρ G435 N-NSM δε G1161 PRT θυμωδης A-NSM ουκ G3364 ADV ευσχημων G2158 A-NSM
26 ο G3588 T-NSM συνεχων A-GPM σιτον G4621 N-ASM υπολιποιτο G5275 V-AMO-3S αυτον G846 D-ASM τοις G3588 T-DPN εθνεσιν G1484 N-DPN ευλογια G2129 N-NSF δε G1161 PRT εις G1519 PREP κεφαλην G2776 N-ASF του G3588 T-GSM μεταδιδοντος G3330 V-PAPGS
27 τεκταινομενος V-RMPNS αγαθα G18 A-APN ζητει G2212 V-PAI-3S χαριν G5485 N-ASF αγαθην G18 A-ASF εκζητουντα G1567 V-PAPAS δε G1161 PRT κακα G2556 A-APN καταλημψεται G2638 V-FMI-3S αυτον G846 D-ASM
28 ο G3588 T-NSM πεποιθως G3982 V-RAPNS επι G1909 PREP πλουτω G4149 N-DSM ουτος G3778 D-NSM πεσειται G4098 V-FMI-3S ο G3588 T-NSM δε G1161 PRT αντιλαμβανομενος V-PMPNS δικαιων G1342 A-GPM ουτος G3778 D-NSM ανατελει G393 V-FAI-3S
29 ο G3588 T-NSM μη G3165 ADV συμπεριφερομενος V-PMPNS τω G3588 T-DSM εαυτου G1438 D-GSM οικω G3624 N-DSM κληρονομησει G2816 V-FAI-3S ανεμον G417 N-ASM δουλευσει G1398 V-FAI-3S δε G1161 PRT αφρων G878 A-NSM φρονιμω G5429 A-DSM
30 εκ G1537 PREP καρπου G2590 N-GSM δικαιοσυνης G1343 N-GSF φυεται G5453 V-PMI-3S δενδρον G1186 N-ASN ζωης G2222 N-GSF αφαιρουνται V-PMI-3P δε G1161 PRT αωροι A-NPF ψυχαι G5590 N-NPF παρανομων A-GPM
31 ει G1487 CONJ ο G3588 T-NSM μεν G3303 PRT δικαιος G1342 A-NSM μολις G3433 ADV σωζεται G4982 V-PMI-3S ο G3588 T-NSM ασεβης G765 A-NSM και G2532 CONJ αμαρτωλος G268 A-NSM που G4225 ADV φανειται G5316 V-FMI-3S
1 A false H4820 balance H3976 is abomination H8441 to the LORD: H3068 but a just H8003 weight H68 is his delight. H7522
2 When pride H2087 cometh, H935 then cometh H935 shame: H7036 but with H854 the lowly H6800 is wisdom. H2451
3 The integrity H8538 of the upright H3477 shall guide H5148 them : but the perverseness H5558 of transgressors H898 shall destroy H7703 them.
4 Riches H1952 profit H3276 not H3808 in the day H3117 of wrath: H5678 but righteousness H6666 delivereth H5337 from death H4480 H4194 .
5 The righteousness H6666 of the perfect H8549 shall direct H3474 his way: H1870 but the wicked H7563 shall fall H5307 by his own wickedness. H7564
6 The righteousness H6666 of the upright H3477 shall deliver H5337 them : but transgressors H898 shall be taken H3920 in their own naughtiness. H1942
7 When a wicked H7563 man H120 dieth, H4194 his expectation H8615 shall perish: H6 and the hope H8431 of unjust H205 men perisheth. H6
8 The righteous H6662 is delivered H2502 out of trouble H4480 H6869 , and the wicked H7563 cometh H935 in his stead. H8478
9 A hypocrite H2611 with his mouth H6310 destroyeth H7843 his neighbor: H7453 but through knowledge H1847 shall the just H6662 be delivered. H2502
10 When it goeth well H2898 with the righteous, H6662 the city H7151 rejoiceth: H5970 and when the wicked H7563 perish, H6 there is shouting. H7440
11 By the blessing H1293 of the upright H3477 the city H7176 is exalted: H7311 but it is overthrown H2040 by the mouth H6310 of the wicked. H7563
12 He that is void H2638 of wisdom H3820 despiseth H936 his neighbor: H7453 but a man H376 of understanding H8394 holdeth his peace. H2790
13 A talebearer H1980 H7400 revealeth H1540 secrets: H5475 but he that is of a faithful H539 spirit H7307 concealeth H3680 the matter. H1697
14 Where no H369 counsel H8458 is , the people H5971 fall: H5307 but in the multitude H7230 of counselors H3289 there is safety. H8668
15 He that is surety H6148 for a stranger H2114 shall smart H7451 H7489 for it : and he that hateth H8130 suretiship H8628 is sure. H982
16 A gracious H2580 woman H802 retaineth H8551 honor: H3519 and strong H6184 men retain H8551 riches. H6239
17 The merciful H2617 man H376 doeth good H1580 to his own soul: H5315 but he that is cruel H394 troubleth H5916 his own flesh. H7607
18 The wicked H7563 worketh H6213 a deceitful H8267 work: H6468 but to him that soweth H2232 righteousness H6666 shall be a sure H571 reward. H7938
19 As H3651 righteousness H6666 tendeth to life: H2416 so he that pursueth H7291 evil H7451 pursueth it to his own death. H4194
20 They that are of a froward H6141 heart H3820 are abomination H8441 to the LORD: H3068 but such as are upright H8549 in their way H1870 are his delight. H7522
21 Though hand H3027 join in hand, H3027 the wicked H7451 shall not H3808 be unpunished: H5352 but the seed H2233 of the righteous H6662 shall be delivered. H4422
22 As a jewel H5141 of gold H2091 in a swine's H2386 snout, H639 so is a fair H3303 woman H802 which is without H5493 discretion. H2940
23 The desire H8378 of the righteous H6662 is only H389 good: H2896 but the expectation H8615 of the wicked H7563 is wrath. H5678
24 There is H3426 that scattereth, H6340 and yet H5750 increaseth; H3254 and there is that withholdeth H2820 more than is meet H4480 H3476 , but it tendeth to poverty. H4270
25 The liberal H1293 soul H5315 shall be made fat: H1878 and he that watereth H7301 shall be watered H3384 also H1571 himself. H1931
26 He that withholdeth H4513 corn, H1250 the people H3816 shall curse H6895 him : but blessing H1293 shall be upon the head H7218 of him that selleth H7666 it .
27 He that diligently seeketh H7836 good H2896 procureth H1245 favor: H7522 but he that seeketh H1875 mischief, H7451 it shall come H935 unto him.
28 He H1931 that trusteth H982 in his riches H6239 shall fall: H5307 but the righteous H6662 shall flourish H6524 as a branch. H5929
29 He that troubleth H5916 his own house H1004 shall inherit H5157 the wind: H7307 and the fool H191 shall be servant H5650 to the wise H2450 of heart. H3820
30 The fruit H6529 of the righteous H6662 is a tree H6086 of life; H2416 and he that winneth H3947 souls H5315 is wise. H2450
31 Behold H2005 , the righteous H6662 shall be recompensed H7999 in the earth: H776 much more H637 H3588 the wicked H7563 and the sinner. H2398